
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Does War Affect Literature

Many sources wont the environment, political issues, or genial issues as inspiration to their ladder. During romanticism nature imagery was a frequent occurrence in literature. However does on p trickicular issue prep atomic number 18 compilers so much that a virgin literature movement is sprung from it? I cause the apparent motion what were con alignrable differences bringween capital of Seychellesn literature and contemporaneousness and how did the abundant state of war feed apart in those differences?Was it because of the war that there was the overnice while and Modernism or was it bound to be a new literary movement with or ithout the grand War. I pose to answer these questions to the beat out of my ability in this paper. The straitlaced era took shoot for from 1830 1901, which is al virtually the exact same succession frame that Queen Victoria reined thus the name straitlaced succession. Writers during this time were at an awe nerve-wracking to respo nd to the expansion of the dry land due to the industrialization going on at the time. Reactions it the changes going on at that time were numerous between writers and the hoi polloi.Some welcomed the changes, while other(a)s challenged the changes because they found them to be threatening to their raditions. While others felt that breakout a mien from the traditions was more freeing than trying to maintain this conventional life. The dainty Era was full of live overseas telegramss surrounding the fond and industrial changes that were going on at the time. Nevertheless with all the change some things be bound to stay the same, abundant Britain was calm in a big deal of debt. Even though national debt was at an all time high the British banks continued to lift out specie.Brantlinger says borrowing money is the best way of sustaining credit in his book, the debt that the state of matter was n played a major role in the literature and art of the time because money is uti lize in everyday life. Whether you were paying with credit or nominate money determined whether or non you would eat that night. During the Victorian Era writers foc utilize most of their literature on social differences in social classes and reform. During this time societys comment reined supreme over personal interpretation. During that time writer such as John Stuart mill, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde emerged.John Stuart Mill shed more tripping on the philosophical idea of Utilitarianism. John Stuart Mill son of Philosopher crowd together Mill was a close friend to the creator of Utilitarianism, Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism is the doctrine that actions are honourablely and socially acceptable if they benefit the majority. John Stuart Mill used this doctrine to preach reform in the social classes. John Stuart Mill felt that the government should work on the living conditions of working and disdain class people. This philosophical idea was used to argue in most political arguments during the Victorian period.Even when it came time for parliament to decide whether to continue to borrow money from allied ountries, this longer good philosophy came into play. An idea that remain strong and has stand the test of time still sphere used by philosophers today. Charles Dickens was ren knowledgeed to be one of the greatest refreshedists of the Victorian Era. His work were heavy on sub textual references. He enjoyed creating therefore breaking down meanings and interruptions. Otten times ne put some ot his own person experiences into his work.Fore example in his novel Oliver distortion, Charles Dickens himself formerly lived in an orphanage later his father was thrown into debtor prison akin some people during this time period. While using Oliver Twist to somewhat tell his life story, he was also using a very melancholy type of humor reminiscent of other authors during the time. mid(prenominal) Victorian era literary realism appeared, Writers and artist began to incorporate the industrial work and the excessive use of credit in the country into their work likewise discussing the social conventions of the time.Oscar Wildes The Importance of Being Earnest takes a thrust at Victorian social conventions in this satire filled play. Beside the play making fun at the Victorian Era it also tag the end of an era and the start of Modernism and also the events leading up to the large War. The vast War began in summer on 1914 with the character assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungry, once Britain entered the war they quickly asked for both(prenominal) fiscal and military supporter from allies and colonies of theirs. By entering the Great War, a greater financial strain was put on to both the country and the people.Britain fell get on into debt with the United States as the war continued to rage on and on. anyhow Britain suffering financially, on the battlefield the men were suffering. Spending unmeasured years and ni ghts in muddy blood filled trenches to stay out of the line of fire. A new type of warfare emerged through the bloodshed, poison accelerator pedal. only you saw on the battlefields during were gas masks gas, gas, and gas. Chlorine gas killed more soldiers than substantial bullets during this war. Most men who enlisted to fght during the Great War were dead men walking.Chlorine gas was a favorite weapon of the Germans as Duffy has told us. However soldiers went the only ones being choked to death so to speak. Freedom of speech was being curb in Britain by the Defense of the Realm Act in 194, alike silencing the people election were deferred during the war. Britain was turn a place were the people no weeklong aw eye to eye with the government. The working class was now in accuracy breaking away from the idea of the Victorian period they no longer wanted to survive Just solely on credit in fear of losing everything if they were non able to pay their bills on time.This war mak e the people actually see what was going on in their country and in their government and it began to spill over into literature and arts. Literature went from discussing social class and poverty to describing battlefields in great details and questioning the reviewers moral Judgment. Modernism directly followed the Victorian Era. It is said that Modernism started in 1901 and lasted until the 1960s or 70s. I view it was small changes in art and literature started in 1901 but Modernism did not really begin to appear until during the Great War and everything after.It was a conscious break from traditional art, ingrained, full of delirium and despair while also rejecting the past. Modernism is extremely different from Victorian Literature, while modernism focuses on how the readers give interpretation the work and not society. Where in Victorian literature it was societys interpretation trumps everything. Also during this time both World Wars had occurred giving writers at the time even more to write about and shed their own opinions on.This period was a time where experiment and individualism were encouraged most things about the past were thrown to the side and discouraged like writing about social conventions or photo pictures ot a dinner scene. Also Modernism unlike Victorian Era gives you a clear definition on what to expect from literature and art during that time period. I attribute the mast amount of differences between the two literary periods to the wickedness cloud that was hanging over Britain and its people once the Great War was over. People were questioning both their countrys morality and their own patriotism.Just like the Victorian Era there were great Modernism authors. Authors like Joseph Conrad, T. S Eliot, and Wilfred Owen all with very similar dark styles that you can attribute to the Great War. Joseph Conrad still known for his short story The Heart of fantasm and novel The Nigger of the Narcissus. Both works drift far away from the t raditional standards of the Victorian Era and was a true work of modernism. The slow dark story of The Heart of shadower was a story whose major penning was savagery versus civilization while traveling through Africa. That was something that was not seen at that time.This story do people question savagery and civilization. Everyone has a piffling savage in them but how much is too much and you patsy the line of being uncivilized. This was a very big question during the Great War, what was too much? What was considered uncivilized? That was a question that was constantly brocaded during the Great War. Besides questioning civilization Conrad had a dark way about his work similar to another Modernism writer. The Heart Of Darkness was dark story about a sweep, a voyage that many of us could never dream of making or going on.A voyage that would test the morality of most men, Just like the Great War tested the morality of most of its soldiers. Was it morally acceptable to continuous ly acclivity poison gas back and forth at each other? T. S Eliot was a dark writer with his works such as The Hollow Men, a meter that begins by quoting Conrads The Heart of Darkness and mimicking its darkness for entirety of the poetry. Unlike the Conrads story, which questioned what is civilized and what is not this poem, speaks of the end of the world and humanity, as we know. The poem discusses us as humans losing our individuality and becoming empty.While reading The Hollow Men, I questioned was humanity lost after the Great War with all of the unnecessary bloodshed and death. People in Britain became empty and inhuman after the Great War. Besides his dark works T. S Eliots poems are prime examples of Modernism. Poems like The have it away Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and The waste material both poems were bold and broke far away from everything Victorian. In Eliots The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock he broke away from tradition with a denomination that has on particular i nference to anything in the poem, there was no complete in this poem.Modernism is all about being different and T. S Eliot did that. He also wrote with a style that forced readers to read his work some(prenominal) times to grasp the different meaning, with his lines like the muttering retreats, of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels. Which could be interpreted as he had a considerable amount of one- night stands or he traveled a great deal and was in a different city every night. The interpretation varies from reader to reader another characteristic of Modernism. Lastly Eliots work do not fit any type of cookie cutter mold, Eliot center only on The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock. Solely on his helter-skelter thinking and perception of his ife. Hes not worried about what social inwardness his poem has on the world. This poem shows he does not care if the reader can even understand his thought process completely subjective like Modernism works should be. Wilfred Owen anoth er author to nave works create during Modernism. Owen is known tor his war poems classifying him as a war poet. Many of his poems signalise British soldiers after or during battle. Most famously known for his poem Dulce et Decorum Est which was published towards the end of the Great War.In his poem Owen paints a gruesome picture of English troops dying from poison gas. The same one-year-old men that were so anxious to fght for their country are now well-worn covered in blood and barely alive. At the end of the poem Owen uses Just a bit of satire after describing this horrible scene. Owens tells us that it is sweet and right to die for your country. Owen tells readers the old Lie Dulce et decorum est professional patria mor. But really how sweet is it to choke to death for your country. I bet most soldier would rather be shot than to die throttling on a cloud of poison gas.The Great War make it possible for works like Dulce et Decorum Est to be created and become ordinary for the reason that it is ust like a car crash people will slow down to watch, so if a writer is describing the horrors of the battlefield people will slow down and read it. Just like the writers I described before Owens his works our faultless examples of Modernism and how the war contributed to the discipline of the literary movement and the clear differences between Victorian era and Modernism. later on writing this paper I know have an improved collar of what was going on in Britain Pre war and after.I also can pass on see the differences between the two literary movements, the topic that were debated on positivistic by what means the topics were conversed about. The primary topic in literature during the Victorian Era were the remarkable differences between the social classes and the living conditions of the mast majority of citizens in Britain during this time. Most of these works were Jam-packed with humor to try to contradict the dim truth about the horrible situations many citizens had to deal with on the day to day.Spending countless hours each day working low paying Jobs in factories, orphans on the street begging for money because their parents were locked in debtors prison. As much as authors complained of the living conditions and he need for social reform in the country, they still remained very patriotic. Nevertheless once the Great War began both the country and the literature started to change. I expected the change but I did not expect to see such a massive change in the short four-year timespan of the Great War.Even though the textbooks roughly estimates that Modernism began before the Great War on the other hand authentic Modernism did not appear until the war began. That is because most Modernism literature questioned actions that occurred during the war. Actions like use of poison gas, trench warfare, and imperialism. Modernism was also a decline in the patriotism that was apparent in Victorian literature. The Great war made writers bre ak from caring about the entirety of the countries issues and focus only on what interests them.For Wilfred Owen it was war, Joseph Conrad focused on imperialism and questioning morality. To answer the question I pose in my introduction the Great War played apart in making the differences between Victorian era and Modernism because it gave authors a new topic to discuss and new moral to question. Pre-war authors did not have to question the acts of their countries soldiers if they were morally acceptable or not. The last question I make up was it because of the Great war that Modernism appear or was it bound to be another literary movement with or without the war.After doing this paper I believe that it was bound to be another movement without the war i t is Just that the war gave authors the push needed speed up the movement. In the end I can say that war does affect literature.

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