
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Charlotte Temple - Ideas of Love Essay -- essays papers

Charlotte tabernacle - Ideas of Love In the 18th light speed, when Charlotte Temple was written, societys ideas some women, love, and obligations were extremely different from viewsheld in the 20th century. Women did not start umpteen rights, and societymade them think that their place in life was to wed well. They werenot supposed to have desires or hopes for an amazing kind of love. Theywere barely supposed to marry the man who their families intended themto marry, and live their lives being a dutiful wife and mother. Lovehad a similar essence in the 1700s. It was not looked at as beingessential to a consanguinity convenience and social status was more classical than love in an 18th century marriage. Finally, socialobligations were almost completely opposite because to what they are now. As opposed to 20th century obligations to the self, education, andwealth, the 18th century focused more on social status and family, andnot so many own(prenominal) or free obligations. (Eighteenth) InCharlotte Temple, a radical idea concerning a breakdown of social norms,and a restructuring of important obligations was presented. Familialand social responsibilities seemed to take a backseat to Charlottes(and other characters) independent and personal lives. For this reason,Charlotte Temple was a revolutionary novel that gave people in the 18thcentury a new way of looking at life. It emphasized love and emotions,while disregarding normal cultural ideas. In the beginning of the novel, familial or social obligations weretold through the stories of Mr. Temple, Charlotte, and La Rue. The fibber remarked that Mr. Temples brother was made completelywretched by marrying a disagreeable woman, wh... ...iserable and alone. The two women began Charlotte Temple in the same appearance lookingfor independence and self-worth. However, then endings of the two womenwere different. It seemed as if the narrator is proverb if one neverleaves or even returns to social obliga tions, the end chair give behappiness. If one denies obligations, then the end result will bemisery. This novel, however radical it was regarding the risks ofsocial and familial obligations for personal attribution, basicallystated at the end that the one who does adheres to obligations will be bright in the end. So, in conclusion, Charlotte Temple did break downsocial norms by presenting the idea that people could have resistednormal social obligations to pursue personal happiness. However, itwas not so radical as to say that one would have been happy if theydenied their duties.

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