
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Benefits of IFRS Essay

IFRS leave alone enable US situate to compete globally more than one hundred countries in the world are already employ IFRS. This is because more than sixty percent of investors in US operate international stocks with immaterial bank buildings and other companies which use IFRS. Therefore, if US bank fail to pommel to IFRS, transparency and comparability will reduce for US issuers and investors (Silver, 2009). Furthermore, US exchanges such as the NYSE have been gradually losing their position as the go into where worldwide companies list their shares.This being the parapraxis, the US bank has been affected since foreign investors now prefer investing their wealth in other banks where the account standards are not as strict is in the US. To avoid losing investing opportunities and lagging behind the current developments in the field of bill, US bank does have to switch to IFRS. Comparing the annual reputation of Rabobank with that of Wells Fargo bank shows how IFRS redu ces financial inform into smaller and less complicated documents.The 2009 annual report of Rabobank were complied in a 61 (Rabobank, 2010) pages document while that of Wells Fargo were attested in 196 pages (Wells Fargo, 2010). This implies that IFRS summarizes financial reporting more than thrice of the generally accepted accounting principles accounting standards. It is also evident from the annual reports of the two banks that IFRS provides more comprehensive diachronic teaching regarding the performance of the bank over the past five years(the case of Rabobank) while GAAP only gives the present and previous years figures.This makes IFRS more effective since the stakeholders, management and investors can be able to race the financial position of the bank at a glance so that which is very important for future palming (IASCF, 2009). Adopting IFRS will make reporting for about banks in US easier since it will reduce the complexities of comparing financial statements from incom patible subsidiaries across the globe.It will also facilitate internal consistency and streamline all operations, auditing, reporting standards, training and company standards (Articles Base, 2009). For instance, Rabobank applies IFRS on its financial reporting. This has greatly improved the efficiency of the bank since it operates in more than forty countries near the world. Following the banks annual reports since 2004, the total net good calculated using IFRS was higher by 15 million Euros as compared to the same when calculated with GAAP (Rabobank Nederland, 2005).This difference was majorly due to the bene moves of reclassifications of interest income under IFRS. This is because under the IFRS accounting standards, several interests are no longer unite and this results to lesser third-party interests (Rabobank Nederland, 2005) Disincentives of adopting IFRS IFRS accounting standards are less detailed as compared to GAAP GAAP is more complex and establish on rules while IFR S is based on principles.Adoption of IFRS will reduce the quality of financial reporting because most of the rules applied for GAAP have been let-out in IFRSwhile IFRS principles fit in a single two-inch thick book, GAAP standards fit in a nine-inch thick bookthis indicates that the details and reporting requirements of IFRS are fewer and compressed (IASCF, 2009). Adoption of IFRS implies that banks will incur additional costs training staff on IFRS standards and also initial conversion costs which will be paid to advisors and auditors (Articles Base, 2009).Considering the format of the annual reports of the two banks, it is evident that IFRS eliminates numerous items from the annual report and presents only the consolidated financial position of the bank. teaching eliminated from Rabobanks 2009 financial reports include the vision, mission and goals of the organization, financial reviews, the report from breakaway registered public accounting firm and reports on stock performanc es however this information is provided in Wells Fargo 2009 annual report.

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